Zimeng Luo, Jiaqian He, Shanying Hu, Driving force model to evaluate China's photovoltaic industry: Historical and future trends, Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 311:127637.
Qisheng Zhu, Shanying Hu. Improved interactive inference approach for constructing a complex multi-industrial symbiosis network,Journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021,28(39), 55401-55418
Hotspots of reactive nitrogen loss in China: Production, consumption, spatiotemporal trend and reduction responsibility,Luo, Zhibo; Hu, Shanying; Liang, Xia; Lam, Shu Kee; Mosier, Arvin R.; Chen, Deli,Environmental Pollution,2021,284(0269-7491)
Yitong Chen, Shanying Hu, Zhigang Guo, Tonghua Cui, Liping Zhang, Changrui Lu, Yongqiang Yu, Zhibo Luo, Hang Fu, Yong Jin, Effect of balanced nutrient fertilizer: A case study in Pinggu District, Beijing, China,Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 2(754):142096.
Zhibo Luo, Shu Kee Lam, Shanying Hu, Deli Chen. From generation to treatment: A systematic nitrogen flow assessment of solid waste in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 259:12117.
Zhibo Luo, Dingjiang Chen, Shu Kee Lam, Shanying Hu,Deli Chen. The contribution and mitigation potential of nitrogen emissions from industrial parks in China cannot be ignored. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020, 7:82-88.
Hang Fu, Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu. A temporal -spatial analysis and future trends of ammonia emissions in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 731: 138897.
Minxin Luo, Xiaoxu Song, Shanying Hu, Towards the sustainable development of waste household appliance recovery systems in China: an agent-based modeling approach, Journal of Cleaner Production(2019), 220: 431-444.
Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Bing Zhu. From production to consumption: A coupled human-environmental nitrogen flow analysis in China. Environmental Science & Technology (2018), 52(4):2025-2035.
Zhibo Luo, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen. A Historical View of Nitrogen Metabolism and Its Driving Forces in China's Chemical Industry: Implications for Cleaner Production Policy and Practice. Journal of Cleaner Production (2018), 187:308-317.
Yadong Yu, Dingjiang Chen, Shanying Hu, Ali Kharrazi, Bing Zhu, Advancing Factors Influencing Resource Productivity through the Use of the Material Utility Framework, Journal of Cleaner Production (2017), 142:1892-1900.
Xiaoxu Song, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Bing Zhu, Estimation of Waste Battery Generation and Analysis of the Waste Battery Recycling System in China, Journal of Industrial Ecology (2017), 21 (1): 57-69.
Jiongming Fan, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Yucheng Zhou, Study on the Construction and Optimization of a Resource-based Industrial Ecosystem, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017), 119: 97-108.
Qun Zhang, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, A Comparison between Coal-to-olefins and Oil-based Ethylene in China: An Economic and Environmental Prospective, Journal of Cleaner Production (2017), 165: 1351-1360.
Zhibo Luo, Shujie Ma, Shanying Hu, Dingjiang Chen, Towards the Sustainable Development of the Regional Phosphorus Resources Industry in China: A System Dynamics Approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017), 126: 186-197.
Jin Li, Shanying Hu, History and Future of the Coal and Coal Chemical Industry in China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2017), 124: 13-24.