Key Lab of Industrial Biocatalysis Ministry of Education
人员 研究人员

程 易  教授







●  教育与工作经历

  • 1989/09 - 1994/07,清华大学,化学工程,学士

  • 1994/09 - 2000/02,清华大学,化学工程,博士

  • 1998/11 - 2000/11,Delft University of Technology (荷兰),Research Fellow

  • 2001/02 - 2003/02,University of Western Ontario (加拿大),Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • 2003/03 - 2007/12,清华大学,化学工程系,副教授

  • 2008/01 - 至今,清华大学,化学工程系,教授

●  研究领域


●  主要学术任职

  • 四川大学客座教授(2014-2019)

  • Editor, Green Processing and Synthesis (De Gruyter出版社,2012年创刊,SCI索引)

  • Editorial Advisory Board member, International Journal of Chemical Reaction Engineering

  • 国内期刊编委:石油化工;化工进展;天然气化工

  • 中国颗粒学会:常务理事;流态化专委会副主任

  • 中国化工学会:会员

  • 美国化学工程师学会(AIChE):会员

●  代表性论文


  1. Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2017) Multiphase Reactor Engineering, John Wiley & Sons

  2. Zhu, J.X., Cheng, Y. (2016). Fluidized-Bed Reactors and Applications, In: Multiphase Flow Handbook, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group)

  3. 程易,王铁峰 (2016). 多相流测试技术和模型、模拟方法,化学工业出版社

  4. Yang, Q.L., Lu, W., Cao, T.F., Bai, L., Yang, R., Cheng, Y.* Plasma-assisted synthesis of chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (CPVC) in a plasma circulating fluidized bed reactor (PCFBR). Plasma Process Polym,2016, 13(3): 387-396

  5. Rehmet, C., Cao, T.F., Cheng, Y.* Numerical study of Si nanoparticles formation by SiCl4 hydrogenation in RF plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2016,25(2): 025011(14).

  6. Cheng, Y., Yan, B.H., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y.* Kinetics modeling of deoiled asphaltene particle pyrolysis in thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 124(3): 1661-1670.

  7. Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y.* Particle-scale Modeling of Asphaltene Pyrolysis in Thermal Plasma. Fuel, 2016, 175: 294-301

  8. Bai, L. Fu, Y.H., Zhao, S.F., Cheng, Y.* Droplet formation in a microfluidic T-junction involving highly viscous fluid systems. Chem Eng Sci, 2016,145: 141-148

  9. Bai, L., Zhao, S.F., Fu, Y.H., Cheng, Y.* Experimental study of mass transfer in water/ionic liquid microdroplet systems using micro-LIF technique. Chem Eng J, 2016, 298: 281–290.

  10. Fu, Y.H., Zhao, S.F., Bai, L., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.* Numerical study of double emulsion formation in microchannels by a ternary Lattice Boltzmann method Chem. Eng. Sci. 2016, 146: 126-134.

  11. Fu, Y.H., Bai, L., Zhao, S.F., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.* Droplet in droplet: LBM simulation of modulated liquid mixing. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2016, 155: 428-437.

  12. Sehabiague, L., Basha, O.M., Hong, Y.M., Morsi, B.*, Shi, Z.S., Jia, H.L., Weng, L., Men, Z.L., Liu, K., Cheng, Y. Assessing the performance of an industrial SBCR for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: Experimental and modeling. AIChE Journal, 2015,61 (11): 3838–3857

  13. Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y., Cheng, Y.* Particle-scale modeling of coal devolatilization behaviors for coal pyrolysis in thermal plasma reactors. AIChE J. 2015, 61(3): 913-921.

  14. Cheng, Y., Yan, B.H., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y.*, Li, X., Guo, C.Y. Experimental study on coal tar pyrolysis in thermal plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2015, 35(2): 401-413. 


  • 2018年,“万人计划”科技创新领军人才

  • 2015年,科技部创新人才推进计划中青年科技创新领军人才

  • 2014年,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步奖一等奖(排名第1)

  • 2013年,教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第1)

  • 2010年,中国颗粒学会宝洁青年颗粒学奖

  • 2010年,中国石油和化学工业联合会全国化工优秀科技工作者

  • 2009年,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

  • 2008年,中国石油和化学工业协会青年科技突出贡献奖

  • 2008年,清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖

  • 2004年,清华大学校级先进个人

  • 2002年,全国优秀博士学位论文奖