研究工作针对生物制造、医疗诊断、生物医药、生物安全等领域对关键生物催化技术的需求,从生物催化与化学催化融合的科学前沿出发,开发了金属原子改造酶催化剂新方法,建立了酶活性口袋稳定金属催化反应过渡态提高金属催化活性和选择性的新理论,结合酶的高选择性和金属催化的高效性实现了协同催化驱动单一酶或金属催化难以完成的反应,拓展了生物催化适用范围,推进了酶-金属复合催化在手性药物中间体合成和癌症早期检测中的新应用,解决药物中间体不对成合成效率低、癌症早期检测准确性低的关键问题。先后获得863青年科学家专题、国家重点研发计划(青年)、国家优秀青年科学基金、长江学者奖励计划(青年)、北京市杰出青年科学基金等资助,入选MIT Technology Review全球35位35岁以下创新人物。研究成果发表于Nature Catalysis, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Commuincations, Science Advances等期刊。
● 教育与工作经历
● 研究领域
● 主要学术任职
2016年至今,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,Editorial Board
2019年至今,Bioresources and Bioprocessing,Editorial Board
2020年至2021年,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,Member of Youth Editorial Committee, Section Editor
2020年至2024年,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, Associate Editor
2022年,Special Collection “Hybrid Chemo-Enzymatic Heterogeneous Catalysts”, ChemCatChem, Guest Editor
● 代表性论文
1. Li, X. #; Cao, Y. #; Luo, K.; Zhang, L.*; Bai, Y.; Xiong, J.; Zare, R. N.*; Ge, J.* Cooperative catalysis by a single-atom enzyme-metal complex. Nature Communications 2022, accepted.
2. Cao, Y.; Qiao, Y.; Cui, S.; Ge J.* Origin of metal cluster tuning enzyme activity at the bio-nano interface, JACS Au 2022, accepted
3. Li, X.; Fu, C.; Luo, L.; Ge, J.* Design of enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts for organic synthesis. Cell Reports Physical Science 2022, 100742.
4. Feng, Y.#; Cao, X.#; Zhang, L.*; Li, Y.; Cui, S.; Bai, Y.; Chen, K.; Ge, J.*; Defect engineering of enzyme-embedded metal-organic frameworks for smart cargo release. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 439, 135736.
5. Cui, S.; Ge, J.* Diffusion process in enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, accepted.
6. Xiong, J.; Cai, X.; Ge, J.* Enzyme-metal nanocomposites for antibacterial applications. Particuology 2022,64, 134-139.
7. Liu, Y.; Cao, X.; Ge, J.* Antioxidative composites based on multienzyme systems encapsulated in metal-organic frameworks. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 46431-46439.
8. Zhang, Y.#; Feng, T.#; Cao, Y.#; Zhang, X.#; Wang, T.; Nina, M. R. H.; Wang, L.; Yu, H.; Xu, J.; Ge, J.*; Bai, Y.* Confining enzyme clusters in bacteriophage P22 enhances cofactor recycling and stereoselectivity for chiral alcohol synthesis. ACS Catalysis 2021, 11, 10487-10493.
9. Cao, Y.; Ge, J.* Hybrid enzyme catalysts synthesized by a de novo approach for expanding biocatalysis. Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2021, 42, 1625-1633.
10. Cao, Y.; Li, X.; Ge, J.* Enzyme catalyst engineering toward the integration of biocatalysis and chemocatalysis. Trends in Biotechnology 2021, 39, 1173-1183.
11. Li, X.; Cao, X.; Xiong, J.; Ge, J.* Enzyme-metal hybrid catalysts for chemoenzymatic reactions. Small 2020, 16, 1902751.
12. Hu, C.#; Bai, Y.#; Hou, M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, L.; Cao, X.; Chan, C.-W.; Sun, H.; Li, W.; Ge, J.*; Ren, K.* Defect-induced activity enhancement of enzyme-encapsulated metal-organic frameworks revealed in microfluidic gradient mixing synthesis. Science Advances 2020, 6, eaax5785.
13. Wu, X.#; Yue, H.#; Zhang, Y.#; Gao, X.; Li, X.; Wang, L.; Cao, Y.; Hou, M.; An, H.; Gu, H.; Zhang, L.*; Li, S.*; Lou, W.; Ma, J.; Lin, H.; Fu, Y.; Wei, W.*; Zare, R. N.; Ge, J.* Packaging and delivering enzymes by amorphous metal-organic frameworks. Nature Communications 2019, 10, 5165.
14. Li, X. #; Cao, Y. #; Luo, K. #; Sun, Y.; Xiong, J.; Wang, L.; Liu, Z.; Li, J.; Ma, J.; Ge, J.*; Xiao, H.*; Zare, R. N.* Highly active enzyme-metal nanohybrids synthesized in protein-polymer conjugates. Nature Catalysis 2019, 2, 718-725.
15. Cao, Y.#; Li, X.#; Xiong, J.; Wang, L.; Yan, L.*; Ge, J.* Investigating the origin of high efficiency in confined multienzyme catalysis. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 22108-22117.
16. Wu, X.#; Ou, G.#; Yang, C.; Ge, J.*, Wu, H.* Enhanced enzymatic reactions by solar-to-thermal conversion nanoparticles. Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 5048-5051.
17. Zhang, Y.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* Enhanced activity of immobilized or chemically modified enzymes. ACS Catalysis 2015, 5, 4503-4513.
18. Wu, X.; Hou, M.; Ge, J.* Metal-organic frameworks and inorganic nanoflowers: a type of emerging inorganic crystal nanocarriers for enzyme immobilization. Catalysis Science & Technology 2015, 5, 5077-5085.
19. Wu, X.; Yang, C.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z. Polydopamine tethered enzyme/metal-organic framework composites with high stability and reusability. Nanoscale 2015, 7, 18883-18886.
20. Wu, X.; Ge, J.*; Yang C.; Hou, M.; Liu, Z. Facile synthesis of multiple enzyme-containing metal-organic frameworks in a biomolecule-friendly environment. Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 13408-13411.
21. Lyu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Zare, R. N.; Ge, J.*; Liu, Z.* One-pot synthesis of protein-embedded metal-organic frameworks with enhanced biological activities. Nano Letters 2014, 14, 5761-5765.
22. Ge, J.#; Neofytou, E.#; Lei, J.; Beygui, R. E.; Zare, R. N.* Protein-polymer hybrid nanoparticles for drug delivery. Small 2012, 8, 3573-3578.
23. Ge, J. #; Neofytou, E. #; Cahill, III, T. J.; Beygui, R. E.; Zare, R. N.* Drug release from electric-field-responsive nanoparticles. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 227-233.
24. Ge, J.#; Lei, J.#; Zare, R. N.* Protein-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers. Nature Nanotechnology 2012, 7, 428-432.
25. Ge, J.; Lei, J. D.; Zare, R. N.* Bovine serum albumin-poly(methyl methacrylate) nanoparticles: an example of frustrated phase separation. Nano Letters 2011, 11, 2551-2554.